
Remember that time when you were in seventh or eighth grade and you were worried you wouldn’t get an A on some assignment?  

“If I don’t get an A, I won’t be able to take AP classes in high school and I won’t be able to get into a good college and I won’t get a good job and I’ll end up living on the streets.”

I think it worked out okay. 

I think it worked out amazingly, fabulously well.  

Your drive is awe inspiring.

Love you from the bottom of my heart!

— Kate, Mom

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I would say it's unbelievable how far you've come and how hard you've worked to get here, but that would be a lie. Anyone who knows you would believe it. Of course you would work your butt off every day for 5 years to become a freaking doctor!!! You are incredible! You will change lives.¿ Congratulations! Love you!

— Mollie, Sister

I can’t imagine all the emotions that go along with this part of your journey coming to an end and the next chapter starting. You’ve worked so hard for so many years and somehow found time to buy a house, rescue kittens from prison, do some spy moves on the side of a building and travel across the country and world. You’re a certifiable badass and I can’t wait to have you living so much closer! Congratulations

— Squirt, Sister


Annie!! I can not begin to express how proud I am of all of your Great accomplishments!! You have stayed so focused and driven by your passion.... all of your Dreams will come True!! I Love you beyond words.... without measure.... to the Moon and Back!!

— John, Dad


Dear Annie,
It’s incredible to be writing a message to you as you are about to present your dissertation. Having known you from when you and Hannah were little beings in utero through scores of events that added to our family stories, this occasion is truly momentous.  Your drive and passion to accomplish amazing things are awe-inspiring.  Undoubtedly you will touch many lives as you go forward in your life.  You have certainly touched mine. Whether the "touch" was through an early spa day shoulder rub, a professional massage later in life or the true honor of being referred to as your second mom,  having you in my life has been such a joy.

Soon we will gather for a spectacular celebration to acknowledge these momentous accomplishments. But meanwhile, savor today and all that it represents.  You are incredible!



— Karen, Aunt


Congratulations on being about to complete a long quest to qualify for your PhD in a great field of study and practice.  I admire your persistence and dedication to the goal and especially the field work you have done.  You have the personality and now knowledge and skills to be great at your work in the world outside of academics. Love Mike

— Mike, Uncle


Lorraine and I are so incredibly proud of you and this magnificent accomplishment. Your achievements both scholastic and other have been inspiring to us. You are a strong determined women who seems to be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. We wish you the very best and are very sorry that you’re graduation ceremony was cancelled but we hope to celebrate another time in the near future. Congratulations!

— Uncle Rich and Aunt Lorraine



It’s no surprise to me that you have completed this incredible accomplishment because throughout our whole lives you have succeeded at everything you put your mind to. From your elaborately planned childhood birthday parties, to starting a small roadside ice cream business, bargaining your chores for candy or cash, raising funds to build a well in Ghana, to purchasing and flipping an entire house while earning your PhD. Your determination has never and will never cease to amaze me. I am so proud of you and am always in awe of your successes. 

Congratulations from your (favorite) cousin,


— Hannah, Cousin


Annie, I am SO incredibly proud of you. Your hard work, positive mindset, and courage to follow your dreams has paid off. Congratulations on achieving your PhD. I know that this is just the start for you. Love, Sarah SL

— Sarah

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The week leading up to your defense has been very typical Annie: you cut up a queen size mattress to fit inside our camper and repurposed every piece of material, met with clients remotely, seeded the lawn, laid soil in both garden beds, mulched the front yard, baked fresh bread, camped in the back yard, watched an entire season of “Tiger King”, completed assessments, weeded my garden, made 2 trips the the dump, loaded up the truck with wood, upholstered pillows with fabric from Ghana, went for daily neighborhood walks, and read your book in the backyard.

To doing it all.

— Thomas


Congratulations on your big day, Annie! It´s been a long journey from the playstructure at Taylor Farm to the playstructure of academia. We really wish we could all be there with you to see you on this fantastic day, but we’re with you in spirit.

Love from your Norwegian/ Swedish/ American/ Scottish family in Tromsø.

— Anna


Congratulations Dr. Annie Wright!!! This is such an amazing accomplishment and I am so thrilled for you. You have always amazed me in your ability to juggle the many responsibilities of our program while staying true to yourself and your values. Graduate school certainly has its highs and lows but one constant through it all has been your solid friendship…

— Zoe (Part One)


… I am so grateful that we have had each other to weather the ups and downs with regular farmer's market visits, backyard movie nights, house projects, and cuddles with cats and pups. You are undoubtedly one of Henson's favorite people on the planet, and one of mine too. Congrats again and I can't wait to celebrate with you in person! May our friendship and hobbies continue to grow as we move to Massachusetts :)

— Zoe (Part Two)


Annie -- congrats on this amazing accomplishment and the culmination of many years of hard work!! Always in awe of your calm, determined grace throughout this entire process, and grateful for our friendship! I love you!

— Leez


Congratulations! I’m so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I’m very happy to see how all of your hard work over the years has paid off! I miss you and look forward to seeing you again soon! All the best from Germany.

— Justin

Annie, words cannot describe how happy and proud I am of your achievements. You took a 'fallow' data and did wonders with it. May you continue to soar high and go beyond your limits. Congratulations

— Joana, Research Contributor

Annie: you are an amazing woman, researcher, and clinician. I never doubted your ability to reach this milestone; your new title of 'Doctor' is well-deserved. Your gifts are many, and I have no doubt that this milestone will be a launching point for many amazing things to come.

— Wendy, Committee Chair


Congratulations on graduating Annie, from the brioche loving homie on the west coast! I miss the luxurious times we all shared at the Howard Johnson... Can’t wait to hang and climb with you and Ronnie again in Virginia! 

— Aki


Congratulations, boss lady. Whether free-drawing sick tats, building catios, or slaying the PhD, you’re the very best! It’s been a long road, and now you’ve gone and PhinisheD.

— Megan


Congratulations Annie!! You did it!! Whoop whoop! When initially joining your bouldermania team, I had no idea of the profound impact you would make on my life in Richmond. I am so grateful our paths crossed. Outside of climbing, various projects, and lady dates we also shared the common interest of psychology. Hearing you share your passion for work not only inspired me in my life, but gave me insight into the incredible clinician you are, and I'm sure will continue to be! Your hard work has paid off. You are one step closer to being Dr. Wright and I could not be more proud to call you my friend. Side note, I am just saying "Dr. Wright" out loud for the first time, and you have a killer Dr. name!! I look forward to seeing you soon. Congrats! :)

— Marah


Annie, Congratulations on your accomplishments. Mr. Black and I are very proud of you. All your hard work, dedication and sacrifices have paid off. 

Hats off to you! God bless you and more blessings await you.

— Helena & Ronnie


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished” -Lao Tzu 

So stoked to know you, and to adventure with you during this chapter of your journey! CONGRATS on you PhD! 

— Kat


Among the greatest challenges humanity faces is the need for connectedness. Striving to see, hear, and understand one another; empathy in action, thought, and practice; to make known what unites human nature. As we move towards understanding, love, and acceptance may your efforts be blessed. May your desires be met. May your goals and aspirations be realized.

— Christie


BIG Congratulations to you on all the hard work that got you where you are! Richmond is rooting for you!

“Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” – Michael Josephson

— Sam


Yes! Congrats Annie! You are a wonderful person, and your accomplishments highlight the virtue you bring to this world!

— Michael


“Congratulations, Annie”

— Darrell


Dr.Annie! congratulations. Wish you best for the next post-doc life! While it will be a little bit colder than here, I am 100% sure you will do great there. 

— Kenny


2001 when you were in my 4th grade class at Flood Brook. You were a serious and capable student which sounds really stuffily schoolmarmish which I'm not. And, even more importantly, one of the kindest kids I ever had the pleasure to teach. I'm not at all surprised you have attained such heights. I wish you all the best.

xox to you, Annie! (from a distance, of course)

— Deb (Spiers-Wood) Ahern

Way to go Annie! So impressed by your tenacity in following through on your dream and making it happen! So many kids are going to be better off because of you.

— Sunny